Gallery Address:
Hauptstrasse 18
10827 Berlin

Telephone Numbers:
Gallery and Office:
+49 (0)30 355 120 54

+49 (0)30 7600 25 52

Opening hours:
Tuesday – Saturday,
12:00 – 18:00

Social Media:
ChertLüdde on Instagram
ChertLüdde on Facebook
ChertLüdde Books on Instagram
The Mail Art Archive on Instagram
BUNGALOW on Instagram

To register for our Newsletter, please email: info[at]

The gallery is not taking charge of reviewing and providing feedback on material submitted without any solicitation, we apologize for this inability.


General Enquiry:

Gallery Owners:
Jennifer Chert

Florian Lüdde

Clarissa Tempestini

Alfons Klosterfelde


The Mail Art Archive:


Located in Berlin, ChertLüdde is a contemporary art gallery founded by Jennifer Chert in 2008. In 2016, Florian Lüdde joined as a partner and the gallery became known under its current eponym. Long-time Gallery Director Clarissa Tempestini joined as a partner in 2023 and Alfons Klosterfelde joined the gallery as partner in 2024. Representing Berlin-based and international artists, the gallery maintains a distinctive presence in the city. 

With a strong interest in narrative approaches to art and operating with a sense of advocacy, ChertLüdde’s intergenerational program encourages dialogue and discursive conversation that supports both recentering historical positions and featuring early and mid-career artists. Often opening two or three shows simultaneously, the parallel exhibition program has played an important role in bringing together unique perspectives that further contextualize and strengthen the artists’ practices. This is in part also realized with the project space Bungalow dedicated to young voices and Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt and Robert Rehfeldt‘s Mail Art Archive, which is a permanent feature of the gallery. Through tailored events and readings hosted within the gallery, the explored themes and artistic approaches open themselves up for deeper public reflection.

ChertLüdde has been supporting the represented artists with institutional shows and biennales for over a decade and a half. The gallery frequently also participates in international fairs.

The gallery lives and develops thanks to the joint efforts of Islamiya Evans, Natalie Wong, Mariateresa Lattarulo, Claudia Rech, Nina Hanz, Marco Rigoni, Love Landefjord, Alfons Klosterfelde,Clarissa Tempestini, Florian Lüdde, and Jennifer Chert.

ChertLüdde GmbH
Hauptstr. 18
10827 Berlin

Telephone: +49 (0)30 355 120 54
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE310797376
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10  MDSTV: ChertLüdde GmbH

ChertLüdde is member of Gallery Climate Coalition, Der Landesverband Berliner Galerien & the International Gallery Alliance
ChertLüdde is powered by Kunststrom, for more informations visit: E-Werk
Database provided by Nil-Database

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