The gallery regularly hosts various events enriching the exhibitions offered by ChertLüdde, Bungalow, and the Mail Art Archive. ChertLüdde regularly hosts guided tours for schools from kindergarten to university as well as kids’ workshops. Furthermore, thanks to the bookshop’s presence in the space’s front room, several lectures and interventions are made possible with guest authors.

Upcoming Events

To accompany Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt’s exhibition, In the end something begins with us, we organized a series of guided tours throughout January and February led by critics, curators, and academics, each exploring her work from different perspectives.

Past Events

Friday, 8 November 2024
From 6 pm

Please join us for the presentation of Selma Selman’s first monograph Flowers of Life with a conversation between the artist and Matthias Ulrich, curator of Schirn Kunsthalle.

Friday, 13 September 2024
From 8 pm

Please join us for Selma Selman’s performative reading of Letters to Omer on the occasion of Berlin Art Week Gallery night.

Thursday, 12 September 2024
Opening Reception: 6-9 pm

On the occasion of Berlin Art Week, we warmly invite to the opening reception of Ali Eyal and David Horvitz’s exhibition A new garden from old wounds at ChertLüdde pop-up location in Potsdamer Strasse, Berlin.

Saturday, 7 September 2024
Opening Reception: 6-9 pm

On the occasion of Berlin Art Week, we warmly invite to the opening reception of Selma Selman’s exhibition Ophelia’s Awakening and Piero Gilardi‘s Foam Rubber Revolution at ChertLüdde, Berlin.

Saturday, 25 May 2024
From 6 pm

Please join us for the book presentation of Ingo Niermann’s The Monadic Age: Notes on the Coming Social Order (Sternberg Press, 2024) at ChertLüdde Books.

26 April 2024
Opening Reception: 6-9 pm

On the occasion of Gallery Weekend Berlin, we warmly invite to the opening reception of Gabriel Chaile’s exhibition Los jóvenes olvidaron sus canciones o Tierra de Fuego and Sofía Salazar Rosales‘ The desire to dance with someone who is not here at ChertLüdde.

Saturday, 24 February 2024
From 4 pm

We invite you to the presentation of the new book by Garp Sessions, in the company of Ayşe İdil İdil, Deniz Kırkalı, and Gerko Egert from nocturne platform at ChertLüdde Bookstore. For the occasion, the gallery will present a special display of stamps, bottles and flags by David Horvitz. We look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, 17 February 2024
From 4 pm

Please join us for a group reading and discussion led by Marie Warsh, of the Estate of Rosemary Mayer, focusing on the subject of flowers in the work of Rosemary and her sister, the celebrated experimental poet, Bernadette Mayer at ChertLüdde Books. Through stories and readings, Marie Warsh will lead an introspective journey into the shared dialectics of Bernadette and Rosemary, focusing on their interest in flowers, as well as nature and gardens, and how these connected to particular notions of time.

Saturday, 23 March 2024
From 4 pm

Join us for a discussion with Kim Kraczon inspired by the narrative illustrated in Agnes Scherer’s exhibition Savoir Vivre at ChertLüdde.

Kraczon will lead us on a tour of reflections that start with materials in the context of art production – their extraction, production, consumption, preservation and potential afterlife – a complex life cycle with ramifications that Scherer critically addresses in her solo exhibition, linking social behaviors directly to the disastrous consequences they hold for the environment, in the past as well as today.

Friday, 16 February 2024
Opening reception: 5 – 8 pm 

Please join us for the opening of three solo exhibitions by the artists Agnes Scherer, Rosemary Mayer and Theresa Weber at ChertLüdde and ChertLüdde Bungalow. We hope to see you there!

Saturday, 3 February 2024
From: 4 pm

Sappho’s Call
Poetry Open Mic

For the Finissage of Rodrigo Hernández’s exhibition stars around this beautiful moon / hide back their luminous form, we are organising a Poetry Open Mic night on February 3rd, 2024 to the theme of Dreams, Love and Devotion. Open to all!

Saturday, 27 January 2024
From: 2 pm

Abbandono Procession 
from ChertLüdde to Klosterfelde Edition

On January 27th at 2 pm—the final day to view A. to A. at Klosterfelde Edition—we will also be hosting a procession from ChertLüdde to Klosterfelde Edition, where we invite you to help us carry one of Mazzucchelli’s inflatable sculptures down the road. The procession will begin promptly at 2 pm at ChertLüdde and will end at Klosterfelde Edition. We hope to see you there!

Saturday, 9 December 2023
From: 4 pm

Taking Franco Mazzucchelli’s inflatables – currently on view at ChertLüdde – as a starting point, Gossip Gossip Gossip (Anja Lückenkemper and Sandra Teitge) invites artist Zuzanna Czebatul and gallerist Jennifer Chert to a casual exchange with the public. Topic such as materiality, the (subversive) use of advertising language/formats in the art context and artistic work with and for public space – as well as the informal communication that these works initiate – will be discussed and reflected on.

9 June 2023
Opening Reception: 6 – 8 pm

Please join us for the opening of Out Like a Light by Patrizio di Massimo, an exhibition where the artist has painted many of his friends and peers asleep in their homes or studios.

29 April 2023
Public Lecture: 11 am 
First Monia Ben Hamouda will walk us through her exhibition About Telepath and Other Violences. Curators Sofia Gotti and Caterina Iaquinta will then give a tour through the late Italian artist Clemen Parrocchetti’s Handmade Militancy.

12 March 2023
Sunday Open: 12-6 pm / Artist Tour: 2:30
ChertLüdde and other gallery spaces across Berlin are open Sunday, March 12th for Index Berlin’s Sunday Open. The gallery will also be hosting a special tour of Fudakowski’s Gallery Power LTD, in which the artist will be in discussion with Lucas Bueno Maia, who co-programmed and set up the exhibition’s energy monitoring system.

25 February 2023
Breakfast with the Artist (& Parents): 11-1 pm
Join us for breakfast and sneak into a private tour of Kasia Fudakowski’s exhibition that the artist will give to her parents. This moment, that oscillates between the public and private spheres, lies at the crossroads between embarrassment and confidence, the very place where the artist’s typical irony often finds a place of expression.

4 February 2023
Opening reception: 6-9pm
You are warmly invited to the opening reception of Kasia Fudakowski’s Gallery Power LTD and Ann Noël’s Einzelheiten des Lebens at ChertLüdde.  Concurrently, Marleen Rothaus’ Chapel of Care and Rage will also open.

14 January 2023
Breakfast with the Artist: 11-1pm
ChertLüdde is pleased to invite you on January 14th to the gallery for coffee and croissants with Zora Mann. Throughout the event, the artist will be offering group tours through her exhibition Nectar Hive. This event will be offered in German and English.

26 November 2022
ChertLüdde Kids: 3-6pm
Join our playful introduction to ceramics with a workshop facilitated by Islamiya Evens and Birgit Maria Wolf. After artist Zora Mann gives a tour through her exhibition, workshops will begins at the Kinderkunstschule Berlin.

29 October 2022
Book Launch: 7-9pm
Arijit Bhattacharyya presents his latest graphic narrative and give an artist talk at the bookshop. The publication is made collaboratively with Suvojit Roy, Santanu Dey, Shibayan Halder, Soumik Ghosh, Swagata Bhattacharyya, Soumik Ghosh, and Shibayan Halder.

8 October 2022
Book Presentation: 7-9pm
Ahead of her solo exhibition at ChertLüdde next year, Ann Nöel presents two books published by Argobooks: Spirale and Arabics in conversation with art historian/literary scholar Vanessa Adler and graphic designer Santiago Da Silva.

1 July 2022
Live Event: 7-9pm
In this evening event hosted in ChertLüdde Bookshop, six ceramic jugs created by Fudakowski with assistance from ceramicist Cordula Falk will be put to illustrative use. Come by for come ‘Jugs of Desire and Cocktails of Pain.’

14 May 2022
ChertLüdde Kids: 3-6pm
Dear kids, we’re very happy to invite you and your children to our upcoming Playful Book Presentation with artist Heike Kabisch on Saturday the 14th of May starting at 3pm!

23 September 2023
Opening Reception: 11 am – 1 pm

You are warmly invited to join our next Breakfast with the Artist event at ChertLüdde. On the occasion of the 15th Anniversary group show My Demons My Angels, David Horvitz will be lead a workshop on slurping noodles.  Please RSVP with

5 July 2023
Opening Reception: 6 – 9 pm

Please join us for the opening of Arijit Bhattacharyya’s Bungalow exhibition Sea of Forests curated by Nuno de Brito Rocha. An artist talk between Bhattacharyya and de Brito Rocha will begin at 6:30 pm to discuss the project previously shown at Kunstverein Braunschweig.


28 April 2023
Opening Reception: 6-9 pm
On the occasion of Gallery Weekend Berlin, we warmly invite to the opening reception of Monia Ben Hamouda’s exhibition About Telepathy and other Violences and Clemen Parrocchetti’s Handmade Militancy at ChertLüdde.

12 February 2023
Book Launch: 2pm
During the book presentation, children can join a guided tour of the exhibitions led by Islamiya Evans. After a small activity connected to each exhibition, the little ones can join the adults again in the bookshop, where the discussion will revolve around their involvement and participation.

February 18 2023
Book Launch: 6-9pm
Come to the book Launch of Catalog issue 22: ‘Beard. Man. Jug. Rubble. Woman. Vessel.’ with Kasia Fudakowski, a serial publication with ‘Catalog’ cataloging, written by Lieven Lahaye and designed by Ott Metusala.

4 February 2023
Opening Reception: 6-9pm
Join us for the opening of Marleen Rothaus’ Chapel of Care and Rage at Bungalow, the project space at the gallery for artists at the beginning of their career. In this exhibition, mother goddesses come together for communal healing.

11 December 2022
Book Presentation: 2-4pm
Join us for a presentation of the book Nazi Billlionaires (Braunes Erbe), by David de Jong moderated by Hanno Hauenstein. The book investigates the dark Nazi history of some of Germany’s richest business dynasties and their lasting influence.

12 November 2022
Public Lecture: 4-6pm
On the occasion of Ozioma Onuzulike’s solo exhibition in Germany, titled Strings the Length of our Palm’s Seal, the artist will be giving a lecture contextualising his working within West African ceramic art modernism before the opening reception of his exhibition.

15 October 2022
ChertLüdde Kids: 3-6pm
Following a tour through Tyra Tingleff’s exhibition Imagine it Wet…, a painting workshop inspired by the artist’s colorful practice will be hosted by Birgit Maria Wolf and the Kinderkunstschule Berlin.

27 August 2022
Film Screening: 6-8pm
The gallery warmly invites you to join us for a special revival of Schöneberg’s historical Luna-Lichtspiegel. On this occasion, Pauline Curnier Jardin will screen a special film within the Luna Kino at ChertLüdde.

22 June 2022
Book Launch: 6-8pm
ChertLüdde Books & MIT Press are glad to invite you to a Book Launch of:
Paper Revolutions by Sarah E. James & Parallel Public by Sara Blaylock. With moderation by Kathleen Reinhardt.

29 APRIL 2022
Book Launch: 7pm
We are very excited to present Sofía Salazar Rosales’ (b. Ecuador, 1999) first publication accompanying her solo exhibition Hay cuerpos cansados por el viaje que buscan enraizarse.

15 September 2023
Opening Reception: 6 – 9 pm

Please join us for the opening of My Demons My Angels, the group exhibition celebrating the gallery’s 15th Anniversary. For the first time, all the represented artists of the gallery will be presented together.

27 May 2023
Aperitivo & Concert : 5 – 9 pm

Please join us Saturday, May 27, for a sonic intervention by Tsepo Kolitsoe Pooe, an acoustic & electronic cello response to Monia Ben Hamouda’s installation About Telepathy and Other Violences.

6 May 2023
Book Presentation: 6-9 pm
Join us for a book presentation with Mohamed Amer Meziane. In his essay, At the Edge of the Worlds:Towards a Metaphysical Anthropology, he proposes a new perspective that overturns the commonplaces of ecological thought and social sciences.

6 March 2023
Finissage & Magazine Launch
Join us for the finissage of Kasia Fudakowski’s Gallery Power LTD and the launch of The Palliative Turn Number 1! Readings will begin at 7:00 pm, and the magazine can be purchased here or in our store.

18 March 2023
ChertLüdde Kids: 3-5pm
Join us for another Kids Workshop led by Islamiya Evans! All kids are invited to our fourth event dedicated to the little ones. For one afternoon, light and shadow games will take over Kasia Fudakowski’s exhibition guided by artist Islamiya Evans. Registration is required; preferred age six and up.

20 January 2023
Two Readings: 6-8pm
Join us Friday, January 20th for a presentation devoted to the publications of Zora Mann and Gizem Karakaş. The evening combines the works of the two artists through their aesthetic articulation of the complexity of the emotional and interior spheres.

10 December 2022
Book Launch & Porcino: 4-6pm
Join them for a poetry reading by Fiona Glenn and Nina Hanz as they read from Mycoglossia. This event coincides with Berlin-based artist Wera Bet’s artistic intervention Sprawa Kobieca at Porcino, the gallery space within our gallery space.

12 November 2022
Opening Reception: 6-9pm
You are warmly invited to the opening reception of Zora Mann’s Nectar Hive and Ozioma Onuzulike’s Strings the Length of Our Palm’s Seal at ChertLüdde. Both exhibitions present work made with ceramics to demonstrate the material’s versatility.

29 October 2022
Book Launch: 7-9pm
You are invited the finissage of Sofía Salazar Rosales’ exhibition Hay cuerpos cansados por el viaje que buscan enraizarse with performances and readings by Mayra A. Rodríguez Castro and Savanna Morgan.

7 May 2022
Film Screening: 7-9pm
I Have Never Been on an Airplane a short film by Redon Kika about three young Kosovars who have never traveled outside the Balkans due to visa liberalisation issues in Kosovo.

27 April 2022
Book Launch: 7-9pm
Dear Friends, please join us this Wednesday for a get together with David Horvitz!
The artist will be present to talk about books, prints, videos, poems, waves and much more.