Untitled (For Felix) Feathers of a pillow previously belonging to a loved one, 2020

Untitled (For Felix)

Feathers of a pillow previously belonging to a loved one

Untitled (For Felix), 2020 consists of a pile of feathers gathered in a corner of a room, the contents of a pillow previously belonging to a loved one. Feathers, as indicators of birds, recall Halilaj’s thematic interest in flying creatures as agents of freedom and migration. A nod to Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ Untitled (Portrait of Ross in L.A.), Halilaj creates his rendition of a portrait of care and vulnerability. The work’s mutability allows for other participants to create their own monuments to those they love. Reminiscent also of Joseph Beuys’ Fettecke (Fat Corner), the work marks a space for activation, imbuing it with the essence or memory of someone, perhaps even of their dreams.