Portrait of Alexis, 1995
Frick took this photograph of Alexis at the UFA Fabrik in 1995 after the performance of Frauen schlafen nie (Women never sleep), a theatre adaption of the 1939 American feature film directed by George Cukor. Exuding radiance, Alexis stands with eyes closed wearing a delicate diadem, cast in the lustrous glow of the camera’s flame-like exposure.
The former site of UFA films, the UFA factory took on a new identity in 1972, when a community of musicians, dancers, acrobats, clowns, and other artists moved in and converted the space into an experimental ground for artists to meet and to create work.

Annette Frick, Portrait of Alexis, 1995; Hand printed by the artist on silver gelatin baryta paper; 30 × 24 cm

Petrit Halilaj & Alvaro Urbano with Annette Frick, Die Blüten von Berlin; Installation view at ChertLüdde, Berlin, 2022