Emily Harvey residency, Venice, 2015
The ink and wash drawing depicts Mr. Peanut riding a gondola, presumably on his way to or from the Emily Harvey residency in Venice, Italy. In 2012, Vincent Trasov took place in a residency program at the Emily Harvey Foundation. The ever-expanding body of work that is Vincent Trasov’s Mr. Peanut drawings began as a palm-sized flip book, which evolved into a 16 mm film of the Planters Peanuts corporation’s brand icon tap-dancing. The drawings, produced over the past twenty years, depict Mr. Peanut infiltrating scenes of historical, geographical and artistic contexts, as a symbol which has lost its original meaning and which since has taken on a myriad of new associations.
Ink and wash on paper, paper: 29.7 × 21 cm; image: 14.5 × 17 cm