The Time Machine (The Survivors)
(Group Exhibition)
Curated by CURA
Frutta gallery, Rome
21 November 2013 – 4 January 2014

21 November – 4 January 2013

Frutta is thrilled to host a project organised and curated by CURA.

Through rapid synapse, irony and ease of access to a turbo-archive of open source images, the production of an emerging generation of international artists converges towards the construction of a new system, in which – having absorbed quotes and outcomes of the past, the new frontiers of communication, information technology, the internet, the swirling aesthetics of hypermarkets and fast consumption – the prospection of an archeology of the future is defined, focusing on gargantuan assimilation and the physical or virtual rendering of change taking place. A product of this transformation, art no longer seems to have a form, or rather seems to have many. Teleportation, dematerialization and rematerialization are presented as the fundamental processes of the artistic act. Bodies and objects appear hence disembodied, the very maer is reduced from molecules to pixels, from substance to image. Video, painting, sculpture, and installation interchange their codes and formulas in a communal primordial soup, into which the image streams crossing the current everyday life converge into a new form, a new place and a new time.

A project curated by CURA. from an idea by Ilaria Marotta

Participating artists: Mark Barrow, Ian Cheng, Nicolas Deshayes, Dexter Sinister, David Douard, Haris Epaminonda and Daniel Gustav Cramer, Camille Henrot, Andrea Kvas, Margaret Lee, Jimmy Limit, Billy Rennekamp, Torben Ribe, Timur Si-Qin and Gundam Air.

´Untitled´, 2013. Cotton, water-based paint, resin, pigment. 240 x 107 cm
´Untitled´, 2013. Cotton, water-based paint, resin, pigment. 240 x 107 cm
´Untitled´, 2013. Cotton, water-based paint, resin, pigment. 240 x 107 cm
Exhibition view
Exhibition view