Remedios: Where new land might grow
Curated by Daniela Zyman
C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba
14 April – 31 May 2023

Remedios stands for healing, reparation, restitution, recuperation and the longing to transform the world into what it might become. With contributions from over forty artists that include Amazonian, Pacific, Indigenous American, Afro-diasporic and European perspectives, the exhibition Remedios: Where new land might grow invites the public to engage with works of art for solace, respite, and replenishment. The works echo the curative paths of healers and elders who have politically, culturally and spiritually guided communities through the remembrance of past wrongs toward reconciliation and the celebration of renewed worlding.

For some artists, healing begins with the cadences of the body; the purification of the spirit; the articulations of language, sacred shapes, materials, and symbols; or in their perception of time and history. Others direct their care at the land, the environment, and their respective communities. As environments are reshaped by mining, logging, agriculture, and resource extraction, they impact and alter their respective ecosystems. There is no longer a choice to be made between social and environmental justice, both are entangled and reinforce each other. “Remedios” is committed to proposals that consider and reflect these entangled politics while trusting the regenerational capacities art can offer to unfold as, “an origin + + where new land might grow + + +”

Text by Akimel O’otham and Mojave poet Natalie Diaz.

Photos by ImagenSubliminal