Lucie Micíková
Forgotten leaf
1 – 22 March 2014
The artistic practice of Lucie Mičíková is rooted in memory and association. Interested in architecture, and inspired by Gaston Bachelard’s La Poétique de l’Espace, Mičíková’s personal installations create a dream-like, utopian, memory-space. She draws on her own experience and writing to investigate the process of looking; her ephemeral works are often subtle interventions into the nature of things.
In collage, her use of found objects create a surreal, pictorial landscape. Paper nests are photographed and photocopied, rendering an object into a flat plane. Distorting paper with paper through layers of action.
For her first exhibition in Berlin, Czech-born Mičíková takes over the courtyard of Skalitzerstrasse 68 to fill the vitrines with paper environments. “Forgotten Leaf” reverberates repeated motifs, infinite circles and threaded shreds.
Lucie Mičíková was born in Tábor, Czech Republic in 1986. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Recent solo exhibitions include “Nest”, Gallery Buňka, Ústí nad Labem (2013); “Blue Places”, Hit Gallery, Bratislava (2013); “Nine Clouds”, Vitrínky Gallery, Ústí nad Labem (2013); group exhibitions include: “3D Super Food”, performance festival, Gallery Ferdinand Baumann, Prague (2013); “Manual of Moments”, Karlin Studios, Prague (2013); “The Discovery of Slowness II”, Tranzit, Bratislava (2012); “Asking Architecture” (with Bunka), part of the Czech-Slovak Pavilion, Architecture Biennale, Venice (2012), “BAMBINI’S”, amt_project, Bratislava, (2011)