House of Dreamers
Curated by Anne-Laure Lestage
Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain, Bruxelles
14 June – 1 October 2023
This summer, the Villa Empain returns to its intended use and invites the public on a journey to discover the artworks of several well-known and emerging artists in a space that once was a furnished home.
The title of the group exhibition House of Dreamers evokes a poetic stroll through the rooms of the Villa Empain. In the various rooms and salons, the pieces on show underline and explore the architectural qualities of the space and its use. The exhibition follows the pattern of a recomposed interior, of a house reconstituted by the creation of large in situ sets, where the rooms are brought to life by the presence of artworks and objects. This thematic presentation raises the fundamental question of the relationship between artists and domestic space and challenges the notion of the decorative in modern and contemporary art.
House of Dreamers extols dreams as a possible answer to living life differently and invites visitors to re-enchant their daily lives with a series of poetic, political, and social messages.

Zora Mann, Motherboard, 2021; Installation view of House of Dreamers, Curated by Anne-Laure Lestage, Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain, 2023; Acrylic on wood; circa: 200 × 250 × 120 cm

Kasia Fudakowski, Zora Mann, Installation view of House of Dreamers, Curated by Anne-Laure Lestage, Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain, 2023

Kasia Fudakowski, Climate Changing Room IV (Panel 33), 2020; Installation view of House of Dreamers, Curated by Anne-Laure Lestage, Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain, 2023; Painted steel fabricated by Eyyup Teymur and Serhut Öztemir in Istanbul, with production assistance from Hande Alpaslan; 260 × 110 × 2 cm

Zora Mann, Phantom Pregnancy, 2022; Installation view of House of Dreamers, Curated by Anne-Laure Lestage, Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain, 2023; Watercolour on paper; 204 × 110 × 4 cm

Photos by Silvia Cappellari