17th Rome Quadriennale
Curated by Sarah Cosulich
& Stefano Collicelli Cagol
Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome
30 October 2020 – 18 July 2021
Alvaro Urbano and Petrit Halilaj take part in the 17th Art Quadriennale opening today at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, curated by Sarah Cosulich and Stefano Collicelli Cagol.
The Art Quadriennale, titled FUORI / OUT will be opened on 30th October 2020, it presents a group of four large scale flowers, a collaborative work between both artists.
A classic symbol of love celebration and care, the flowers are invested of an additional meaning: embodying locations and years, they become a map of a love story. A portrait of the lovers in time and space. The titles of the works represent the exact dates when the flowers have been exchanged: The Lily was part of their marriage proposal bouquet, the Quince flower evokes the seeds planted in their garden during the spread of Covid-19 in Europe, and the Forget me nots seal the day their wedding should have taken place but was then postponed due to the pandemic.
However, these references are far from remaining simple anecdotes. In being made public, their intimacy acquires an evident social and political dimension. With their large-scale they reclaim a space for the display of what we are sometimes forced to conceal.
Courtesy Fondazione La Quadriennale di Roma
Photo DSL Studio