Vincent Trasov

Vincent Trasov (1947, Edmonton, Canada) is a painter, video and performance artist based in Brandenburg and Vancouver. Deeply involved in the development of networks, his work is often media-based and has a collaborative spirit. Image Bank, which he co-founded in 1970 with Michael Morris, facilitated an international method for personal exchange of information between artists. Using aliases that frequently changed, Image Bank was a subversive post-war project reworking images and text found in mainstream media. 

Since 1971, Trasov has been working with videotape recordings. It was around the same time that Trasov assumed the alter ego Mr. Peanut through performances, Mail Art, happenings, exhibitions, drawings and sculptures. Many of these performances as Mr. Peanut were recorded on tape, including his campaign as Mayor of Vancouver in 1974. 

In 1973, he was co-founder and co-director of Western Front Society, Vancouver, a center for the production and presentation of new art activity. In 1981, he was invited with Morris as a guest of Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD to Berlin. Ten years later, the two founded the Morris/Trasov Archive, permanently housed at Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, to research contemporary art and communication. Trasov has had numerous international exhibitions and is represented in public and private collections in both Europe and North America. 



Studies of languages (French, German, English) and humanities, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 


Artist-in-residency, Banff Centre, Banff, Canada

Artist-in-Residence, Berliner Künstlerprogramm, DAAD, Berlin, Germany

Grants – Prizes:

MAYOR’S AWARDS 2008; Award for Public Art, Vancouver

DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Berliner Kuenstlerprogramm. 

Solo Exhibitions

Controlling Chaos, ChertLüdde, Berlin

Screening: Flammable, 1969, outdoor screen, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver

Image Bank, curated by Krist Gruijthuijsen, Maxine Kopsa and Scott Watson, Belkin Gallery Vancouver, Canada

My Fifty Years In A Nutshell, ChertLüdde, Berlin

Image Bank, curated by Krist Gruijthuijsen, Maxine Kopsa, Scott Watson, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin

Ohne Worte (without words), Franc Gallery, Vancouver
Ohne Worte, Kirche Kruessau, Möckern, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Mr. Peanut, Kunstverein Amsterdam, Amsterdam

Mondo Artie A Network Event with video and performance, Archivio Emily Harvey, Venice
Mondo Artie “Yves Klein Fan Club”,  performance at Galerie Eva Vautier, Nice.

Get Hold of this Space La carte de l’art conceptual au Canada, Centre Culturel Canadien, Paris
Popup, Wil Aballe Art Projects, Vancouver

Continental Drift Konzeptkunst in Kanada- die 1960er und 70er Jahre, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe

Selected Works 1980 to 2012, Trench Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 1965 1980, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Again Again and Again: Serial Formats and Repetitive Actions, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Papyri, Guestbooks and Similar Departures by Guests of the Emily Harvey Foundation 2004 – 2012, Emily Harvey Foundation, Venice, Italy.

Make it Strange, Malaspina Printmakers, Vancouver
Art’s Birthday 2010: Artists’ Network Meeting, Project Space, ESA, PatrickStudios, Leeds
Aion Experiment, Project Arts Centre, Dublin

All That is Solid Melts Into Air Five Reflections on Materialist Spirituality in Contemporary Art, Cultuursite Onder de Toren, Mechelen, Belgium.

Mr. Peanut a.k.a. Vincent Trasov, Weserburg Museum für Moderne Kunst, Bremen
Documentary Protocols II, Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Montreal
Light On in Babyland 1970-1974, Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Hart House, Toronto

The Monochromatic Field: Works from the collection, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver
Before the Internet: Networks and Art, Western Front Society, Vancouver
Documentary Protocols I: Emulations of the Administrative ethos in Artistic Practises of the 1960s and 1970s in Canada, Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Montreal
The Great Learning – Origin of the hand of the spirit and the shark-fin bathing cap, “LIVE” Performance Art Biennale, Vancouver

The Mr. Peanut Mayoralty Campaign 1974, Art Gallery of the South Okanagan, Penticton, Canada

Intertidal Vancouver Art & Artists at Muhka, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerpen
The Mr. Peanut: Mayoralty Campaign 1974, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Classified Materials>>Accumulations, Archives, Artists, Morris/Trasov Archive, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver

Histories, Tracey Lawrence Gallery, Vancouver

Golden Streams Artists’ Collaboration and Exchange in the 1970s, Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga

The Mr. Peanut Mayoralty Campaign 1974, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, UBC, Vancouver, Canada

Gay Chic of the 70s from the Morris/Trasov Archive, Helen Pitt Gallery, Vancouver
How Sad I am Today: The Art of Ray Johnson and the New York Correspondence School, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver.
Zero Hour: Tenth Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Morris/Trasov Archive, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Western Front Society and Goethe-Institute, Vancouver

Harmony, Winchester Galleries, Victoria, Canada
Morris/Trasov Archive On Line (e-mail and Internet exhibition),Tang Station, Berlin

Colour Research: Works from the Morris/Trasov Archive, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver

Berliner STRASSENNAMEN IM DRITTEN REICH – Berlin Street Names in the Third Reich, Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Morris/Trasov Archive Colour Research, Plug In Gallery, Winnipeg

STRASSENBILD – Street Painting, Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin, Berlin
Morris/Trasov Archive Colour Research, XXII Bienal Internacional, São Paulo
Hand of the Spirit: Documents of the Seventies from the Morris/Trasov Archive, UBC Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver

STRASSENBILD – Street Painting, Akademie der Kunste, Galerie am Pariser Platz, Berlin

The Word Paintings, Gallery 76. Windsor, Windsor Art Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Morris/Trasov Archive Inaugural Exhibition, UBC Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver

The Word Paintings, Montréal, Plug In Inc. UBC Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
The Word Paintings, Montréal, Oboro, Canada

Group exhibitions

Seriously? Comedy and Satire in Canadian Art 1970s-Now, Griffin Art Projects, Vancouver

My Demons My Angels, ChertLüdde, Berlin
Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines, Brooklyn Museum

Image Bank: Cultural Ecology of the DDR Canton-Sardine Vancouver
Image Bank Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver

Election Day, curated by Enar de Dios Rodríguez, das weisse haus, Vienna, Austria The Tin Man was a Dreamer: Allegories, Poetics and Performances of Power, curated by Grant Arnold and Mandy Ginson, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada

The world exists to be put on a postcard: artists‘ postcards from 1960 to now, British Museum, London
Image Bank, Kunst Werke, Berlin
Continuing Dialogues, Franc Gallery, Vancouver; with Donovan, Lewis and Morris

Mondo Artie “Yves Klein Fan Club” performance at Galerie Eva Vautier, Nice
Mondo Artie A Network Event” performance, Archivio Emily Harvey, Venice

Papier 14, Contemporary Art Fair of Works on Paper, Montreal, Canada
Through the Looking Glass May, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, Canada 2012
Group Exhibition, John Blake: Artists Collection, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 1965 1980 September 29, 2012 to January 20, 2913 at Vancouver Art Gallery

Faces Works from the Permanent Collection, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Unreal Works from the Permanent Collection, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Like Some Pool of Fire, Open Space, Victoria, Canada
Selected Works from the Gordon and Marion Smith Collection, Art Gallery of West Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada
Calgary Collects; The Art Gallery of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Exchange and Evolution 1974 – 1999, International Video Program, Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, USA

Make It Strange, Malaspina Printmakers, Vancouver, Canada
Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 1965-1980, curated by Grant Arnold, Vincent Bonin, Catherine Crowston, Barbara Fischer, Michèle Thériault, and Jayne Wark, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada. Travelling exhibition to Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Edmonton, Vancouver, Canada
Constellation & Correspondences Networking Between Artists 1970-1980, National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Berlin 89/09 Kunst Zwischen Spurensuche und Utopie Art Between Traces of the Past and Utopian Futures, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Fall MauerFall Grenzueberschreitungen und Grenzerfahrungen im Spiegel der Kunst, Stadtmuseum Berlin, Germany
All That is Solid Melts Into Air Five Reflections on Materialist Spirituality in Contemporary Art, Mechelen, Cultuursite Onder de Toren, Hasselt, Belgium

Art Metropole: The Top 100, organized by the National Gallery of Canada, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, Canada

The Monochromatic Field: Works from the Collection, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Collecting Works on Paper, Virginia Christopher Fine Art Gallery, Calgary, Canada
The Great Learning – Origin of the hand of the spirit and the shark-fin bathing cap, Performance at Western Front Society

Intertidal Vancouver Art & Artists at Muhka, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen
Classified Materials>>Accumulations, Archives, Artists, Morris/Trasov Archive at Vancouver Art Gallery

The Williams Legacy: Contemporary Art of the Pacific Northwest, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Temporal Surfaces, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
In My Solitude, Gallery Neubacher, Toronto, Canada

Looking for Dick, Open Studio, Toronto, Canada

Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin, 1950s-1980s, Queens Museum of Art, Queens, New York, USA,  (travelling exhibition)

How Sad I am Today: The Art of Ray Johnson and the New York Correspondence School, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver
Zero Hour: Tenth Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Morris/Trasov Archive, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Western Front Society and Goethe-Institute, Vancouver

Gift for India, Gallery Chemould, Max Muller Bhawan and Artists Centre, Mumbay, India

International Artists Writing Reading Room, Side Street Projects Gallery, Santa Monica, California, USA
Transient Moments: Vancouver and the Performance Photograph, Presentation House Gallery, North Vancouver., Canada

Werkschau 3: Konzepte-Objekte-Installationen, Neues Kunstquartier Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Out of America, Amerika Haus, Berlin. 5 Jahre Danach, Haus am Luetzowplatz, Berlin, Germany

Interferenzen: Kunst aus Westberlin 1960-1990, Riga, Latvia

Das andere Land: Auslaendische Kuenstler in der Bundesrepublik, Große Orangerie, Schloß Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany

Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Germany

Selected Projects:

“Colour Research 1967-2000” (website). Patrick Chan and Morris/Trasov Archive, Vancouver.

“How Sad I am Today: The Art of Ray Johnson and the New York Correspondence School” (website), Sharla Sava, Morris/Trasov Archive and Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver.
“Zero Hour: Tenth Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall” (website), Morris/Trasov Archive, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery and the UBC Institute for European Studies, Vancouver.

Video Narcissus (with Michael Morris). Galerie Ars Viva Edition, Berlin and Berliner Kuenstlerprogramm, DAAD, Berlin.

Co-founder and co-director of Western Front Society, Vancouver.

Assumed the identity of Mr. Peanut in exploring identity, persona, anthropomorphism and contemporary mythology. Ran for mayor of Vancouver in 1974 as Mr. Peanut with the support of the artistic community on the following art platform: P for Performance, E for Elegance, A for Art, N for Nonsense, U for Uniqueness and T for Talent. Received 3.4% of the vote.

First fire process performances and works. Formed the concept of an “Image Bank” (since 1990 the Morris/Trasov Archive) with Michael Morris.

Bibliography – Selected Articles and Publications:

“A look at three Canadian artists known as the Image Bank: Michael Morris, Vincent Trasov and Gary Lee-Nova” by Mark Bloch on Noah Becker’s Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art, October 2021, online.
“Entrepreneur Mindset // Image Bank at the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery” by Jonah Gray on ReIssue, online, Septemer 2021.

“Als die Post Bananen- und Erdnusskunst brachte” by Tilman Baumgärtel on taz am Wochenende, 7/8 November 2020, p.48.

“The Alphabet Book,” Kunstverein, Amsterdam.

“Mr. Peanut Drawings,” New Documents, Los Angeles.

“The Last Art College Nova Scotia College of Art & Design 1968 – 1978”; Garry Neill Kennedy; Cambridge, The MIT Press.

“This fall, my vote goes to Mr. Peanut” by Sabra Milroy on The Globe and Mail, 29 September 2012, p.R5.

“Byproduct On the Excess of Embedded Art Practices”, edited by Marisa Jahn, YYZ Books, Toronto.

“Documentary Protocols (1967-1975),” Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Université Concordia University, Montréal.
“Constellation & Correspondences Networking Between Artists 1970-1980,” National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives.

“All That Is Solid Melts Into Air Five Reflections on Materialist Spirituality in Contemporary Art,” Mechelen Cultuursite Onder de Toren, Mechelen.
“Berlin 89/09 Kunst Zwischen Spurensuche und Utopie Art Between Traces of the Past and Utopian Futures,” Berlinische Galerie, Berlin.

“Mr. Peanut for mayor! Not as nuts as it sounds” by Marsha Lederman on The Globe and Mail, 21 June 2008, p. R3.
“Nut who ran for mayor has place in B.C. story” by Grania Litwin on Victoria Times Colonist, 18 June 2008 (June 18), p.R11.

“A really nutty character” by Grania Litwin on Victoria Times Colonist, 2 June 2005
“Memories of Mr. Peanut and a parallel art world” by Robert Amos on Victoria Times Colonist, 16 June 2005, p.D6.
“The Mr. Peanut Mayoralty Campaign of 1974” by Allan Antliff on Canadian Art, Fall 2005, Vol. 22, No.3., p.140.

“Mr. Peanut through the Ages” by Julia Dault on National Post, 24 June 2004, p.B3.
“Trasov’s Nutty Art: Crunchy and Smooth” by Robin Laurence on Georgia Straight, 22 July 2004.

“Golden Streams Artists’ Collaboration and Exchange in the 1970s,” Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga.

“How Sad I am Today” by Ray Johnson, Morris/Trasov Archive and Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver.

“Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin, 1950s-1980s,” Queens Museum of Art, New York.

“Art and Design,” Magazine Profile No. 54, Guest edited by Michael Petry, London.

 “Bar Everyone” by Alison Gillmor on Border Crossings, vol. 14, no. 1, November 1995.
“Werkschau 3: Konzepte-Objekte-Installationen,” Neues Kunstquartier Berlin. Senatsverwaltung fuer Soziales – Kuenstlerfoerderung, Berlin.
“Zwei kanadische Kuenstler in Berlin – Impulse fuer ein unabhaengiges Netzwerk,” Zeitschrift fuer Kulturaustausch 1995/2, Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart.
“Erinnerungskarton” from the exhibition 5 Jahre danach, Haus am Luetzowplatz, Berlin.

“Hand of the Spirit: Documents of the Seventies from the Morris/Trasov Archive,” Morris/Trasov Archive and University of British Columbia, Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver.

“Whispered Art History: Twenty Years at the Western Front” edited by Keith Wallace, Arsenal Pulp Press, Vancouver.

“La Collection: tableau inaugural,” Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Montreal.
“Vincent Trasov: Word Paintings” by Christina Ritchie on Canadian Art, vol. 9, no. 4 (Winter), pp 67-68.
“Morris/Trasov Archive Portfolio No. 1: The Search for the Hand of the Spirit” by Morris/Trasov Archive and University of British Columbia, Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver.

“Report from Montréal-Modernity and the City” by Marcia E. Vetrocq on Art in America, vol. 79, no. 11, November 1991.
“Interferenzen: Kunst aus Westberlin 1960-1990,” Neue Gesellschaft fuer bildende Kunst, Berlin.
“Practising beauty. Curatorial Laboratory Projects #5,” Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton.
“Word Paintings,” UBC Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver.

“Morris/Trasov Archive tabloid,” Banff Centre and Morris/Trasov Archive, Banff.

“In these Times of Diminishing Visual Returns: the Video Work of Michael Morris and Vincent Trasov” by Karen Henry on Video Guide, vol. 10, no. 1, March 1989, pp. 3 and 18.

“Buero Berlin – Ein Produktionsbegriff,” Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin.
“Das andere Land: Auslaendische Kuenstler in der Bundesrepublik,” Edition Deplana, Berlin.

“Vincent Trasov” by Rolf Langebartels in: “Berliner Aufzeichnungen Berlin Notes”, Ed.: The Walter Philipps Gallery, Banf, 1985, pp.40-47.

“Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983,” Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver.

“Vincent Trasov Berliner Bilder”, Ed.: edition Ars Viva! & Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD, Berlin.
“Berliner Bilder,” Galerie Ars Viva Edition and Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD, Berlin.

“Live Art: 1909 to the Present,” edited by Roselee Goldberg, New York.

“Image Bank Correspondence Issue,” Art Rite, no. 18., Dollar Art Series, New York.

“Image Bank Postcard Show,” Image Bank, Vancouver and New York City.

“The Rise and Fall of the Peanut Party. Journal: Twenty Days in November (with John Mitchell)”, Air, Vancouver.

“Image Bank Directory Issue,” File, no 7. Toronto.

“International Image Exchange Directory,” Talonbooks, Vancouver.

“Image Bank Postcard Show,” Coach House Press, Toronto.