Annette Frick
Annette Frick (1957, Bonn, Germany) has spent the last three decades producing photographic works both marginal and experimental in subject and style. Documenting Berlin’s various subcultures, her analog monochrome images reveal moments of carnivalesque joy and freedom in the lives of people existing outside theheteronormative orders of urban society.
From 1978 to 1988 she studied Fine Arts at the Fachhochschule für Kunst und Design with Arno Jansen, Daniel Spoerri and Robert van Ackern, where she also completed her Master of Fine Arts in 1988. At the same time, she worked as a photographer for various scientific institutes, published texts on art and photography, and founded the Hafensalon in her Cologne studio together with Achim Riechers and Doris Frohnapfel. She received the Emprise Art Award Düsseldorf in 2006; completed a research study for the DEFA Foundation with her film on Herbert Tobias in 2008, shown in the Panorama program of the Berlinale in 2011; and received the Cité Internationale des Arts scholarship Paris in 2016/2017. In recent years, her solo exhibitions have been shown in Frankfurt, Cologne, Berlin, Bremen and Leipzig. She won the Ellen Auerbach Fellowship from the Akademie der Künste in 2018 and the Dieter Ruckhaberle Prize in 2020. She was also among the 2020-2021 grantees from the Pollock Krasner Foundation.
Collections: Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; Schwules Museum, Berlin; Museum Ludwig, Cologne; Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin; Haus der Geschichte, Bonn; Nieuwe Brabantse Kunst Stichting, Enschede; Museum Folkwang, Essen.
1978 – 1988
Studies of Fine Art in Cologne in the classes of Spoerri and Jansen; graduation with Master of Fine Arts in 1988
Pollock Krasner Foundation Fellowship, New York 2020
Rostock Scholarship, City of Rostock
Ellen Auerbach Fellowship of the Academy of the Arts
Working Scholarship of the Senate of Berlin
Cité Internationale des Arts Residency Paris
Scholarship of the Women/Film/Video Promotion of the Senate Research grant from the DEFA Foundation for the film about Herbert Tobias, which was shown in the Panorama Program of the Berlinale in 2011
Scholarship for Contemporary German Photography of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Foundation
Grants – Prizes
Dieter Ruckhaberle Prize
Purchase of a photo series of the Senate Berlin
Chargesheimer Prize of the City of Cologne for Photography
Solo exhibitions
Solo show, ChertLüdde, Berlin
Hallen 4, ChertLüdde Booth, Berlin
A Moment in No Man’s Land, Marta Herford – Museum for Art, Architecture, Design, Herford
An Island Of Light Inside A Cold Night, Museum Reinickendorf, Berlin
Demolition, Trümmertunten and International Individuals, Märkisches Museum Berlin, Graphic Cabinet
A Moment in No Man’s Land, Film Retrospective, Frankfurt
Misfits in Paradise, Cologne City Museum, Cologne
Fuck Gender, Media Center, Bremen
Fuck Gender, Gay Museum, Berlin
Taboo Zones, Cologne City Museum, Cologne
To those who found no graves, Hochbunker, Cologne
To those who found no graves, Grassi Museum, Leipzig
Selected Group exhibitions
Screening: SAVE FROM TEARS, Curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi, Teatro Kursaal, Bari
Udo is Love. Eine Reise in das unglaubliche Leben von Udo Kier, Curated by Hans-Christian Dany and Valérie Knoll, Kölnischer Kunszverein, Cologne
Choose Mutation, with photographs by Annette Frick, Curated by Richard Julin, Accelerator, Stockholm University, Stockholm
My Demons My Angels, ChertLüdde, Berlin
UNERHÖRT sichtbar, Brotfabrik, Berlin
Nationalgalerie: A Collection for the 21st Century, Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart, Berlin
The Poet’s Folly and the Sovereign’s Hand, curated by Alexia Timmermans and Tjioe Hecken; Wehrmühle, Biesenthal
Langzeitbelichtung: 25 Jahre Künstlerhof Frohnau, Rathaus Reinickendorf, Berlin
Die Blüten von Berlin, ChertLüdde, Berlin
What Matters: Werkpräsentation JUNGE AKADEMIE, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Unverschämte Schönheit, Michael Horbach Stiftung, Cologne
13th scholarship exhibition, Kunstverein zu Rostock, Rostock
Subject/Object Photography Rhine/Rhur, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
Mess with Your Values, n.b.k., Berlin
Cross Dressing, Stadthaus Ulm, UlmLight, CasaBaubou, Berlin
Misfits in Paradise – International Individuals of the World, Cologne City Museum, Cologne
Chains, Horse, Berlin
Umlaut, DANK House German America, Chicago
En Todas As Partes, Politicas Da Diversidade Sexual Na Arte, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, Santiago deCompostela
The dark side of Desire, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
Beyond the beaten track, CasaBaubou, Berlin
Selected Bibliography
“THE ARTISTS’ ARTISTS: Fifteen artists reflect on 2023” by Kenturah Davis, Vaginal Davis, Anri Sala, Tracey Emin, Doron Langberg, Dena Zago, Adam Alessi, Oto Gillen, Mire Lee, Nigel Howlett, Lúcia Koch, K.R.M. Mooney, Sula Bermúdey-Silvernman, Niklas Taleb, Party Office, ArtForum, 2023, online
“Das Schöne Biest” by Catherine Peters, WeltKunst, 23 May 2023, online
“Bilder und Geschichten von jenseits der Trampelpfade” by Ralf Bittner, Neue Westfälische, 5 May 2023, p. 4
“Marta wagt sich indie Subkultur Vor” by Hartmut Horstmann, Westfalen-Blatt, No.104, 5 May 2023
“Annette Frick’s underground portraits in Herford” by Anke Rebbert, WDR1: WestArt, 5 July 2023
“The European Month of Photography” by Maren Lübbke-Tidow, Museums Journal, January, 2023, p. 22
“Neue Ausstellung im Herforder Marta: Fotografin Anette Frick Setzt Außenseiter in Szene” by Hartmut Holstmann, Westfallen-Blatt, 5 May 2023, print.
“Bilder Aus Dem Nachwende-Berlin” by Ralf Bittner, NW, 5 May, 2023, print.
“Annette Frick: ‘Ein Augenblick Im Niemandsland,’” Monopol: Magazin für Kunst und Leben, 2023, print, p 129.
“Meisterin der Subkultur: Annette Frick: Große,” L.Mag, May/June 2023, print, p 10.
“Wie sehr uns die Bilder berühren” by Maren Lübke-Tidow, Museums Journal, January, 2023, print, p 22-23.
“Annette Frick: Ein Augenblick im Niemandsland” by Marta Herford, art is next, 2023, online.
“Petrit Halilaj and Alvaro Urbano with Annette Frick: Die Blüten von Berlin”, ArtReview, vol 74, no 5, Summer 2022
“Als wir Blüten sahen” by Brigitte Werneburg, TAZ, 25 April 2022, online
“Konfetti auf dem Boden” by Nicola Kuhn, 19 March 2022, Tagesspiegel, online
“Das Gespräch der Blüten” by Ulrike Borowczyk, Berliner Morgenpost, 18 March 2022
“Die Galerie ChertLüdde ist bei Deko Behrendt zugezogen” by Dirk Krampit, B.Z., 18 March 2022, online
“Flirting with the Fringe: A Conversation with Annette Frick” by Anette Kubitza, Camera Austria, 2016, No 134, pp. 134-134
Jenseits der Trampelpfade: Die Masken der Identität by Annette Frick & Wilhelm Hein, Text by Sylvie Paoli, Casabaubou, 2016, No 17 A-B-C
Jenseits der Trampelpfade: Internationale Individuen der Welt – Portraits 1982-2013 by Annette Frick & Wilhelm Hein, Casabaubou, 2013, No 15
“Das Achte Feld: Gender, Life, and Desire in the Arts Since 1960,” edited by The Eighth Square, Museum Ludwig, 2006.
Tabuzonen by Annette Frick, Kölnischen Galerie des Kölnischen Stadtmuseums, 1997